Altima's V-motion front end has a unique and bold expression. The 4-cylinder engine delivers high performance and makes every drive feel special.
The world's first powerful variable compression turbocharged car is the New Nissan Altima. Equipped with 12.3-inch large touch screen and wireless connection technology. The exciting new Nissan Altima, it's your choice.
Seamless connectivity
The new Nissan Altima has the best in-car entertainment system. The 8-inch info screen has a modern interface that's easy to reach and will make your journey more comfortable. Wireless Apple CarPlay and Wireless Android Auto are available. You can also charge your phone wirelessly and use SIRI voice control with ease.
High quality sound
Nissan Altima is equipped with BOSE speakers, the world's leading high-quality sound system. By placing 9 speakers in the car cabin, you will experience a wonderful sound. Designed specifically for the shape of the new Nissan Altima, you'll experience a truly unique high-quality sound.
Look ahead to the future
Look ahead to the future with your driving information elegantly displayed on the 7-inch Advanced Drive-Assist screen, offering effortless vehicle control. Access safety details, fuel economy, and more with ease.
Машин жолоодохдоо илүү их сэтгэл ханамжийг аваарай. Шинэ Nissan Altima нь ProPILOT-ийн тусламжтайгаар таныг эгнээндээ явах, урд талын машиныг урьдчилан тогтоосон зайд дагахад тусална. Энэ нь таны Шинэ Nissan Altima-г хурдны замын хөдөлгөөний урсгалд тулгуурлан бүрэн зогсоож, замын хөдөлгөөн дахин хөдөлж эхлэхэд таныг ахин хурдтай болгож чадна.
Nissan Intelligent Mobility will change the way you look at technology forever. Nissan Intelligent Mobility, Safety Shield 360 includes features that help you see more, feel more, and help you with technology when you need it.
DOWNLOAD BROCHURE descriptionExperience the all-new Nissan Altima's cutting-edge VC-Turbo engine, delivering the thrilling power of a turbocharged engine that keeps you on the back of your seat, paired with the efficiency needed for city streets.
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