If you want to feel good quality, try traveling with NISSAN PATROL. The 4-way control panel with two-color combination inserts is very intuitive to use. Leather seats, aluminum-look trim and classic wood-grain inlays add a touch of color. All surfaces facing the passenger are made of soft materials, which adds to the luxury of the cabin. Power-adjustable front seats and automatic controls for front and rear air conditioning won't compromise your comfort, which is great.
Өндөр хүчин чадалтай бензин болон турбо дизель хөдөлгүүр нь бат бөх бас хүчирхэг. Таван шатлалт механик хурдны хайрцаг эсвэл 4 шатлалт автомат хурдны хайрцганд тохирсон NISSAN PATROL нь орчин үеийн 3.0ℓ Common Rail турбо хөдөлгүүртэй, интеркүүлэр дизель хөдөлгүүртэй. Монголын хатуу ширүүн зам, янз бүрийн түлшний чанарт зориулагдсан энэхүү хөдөлгүүр нь 110 кВт чадалтай, ердөө 1800 эрг/мин-ээс авах боломжтой 371 Нм эргүүлэх моментоор PATROL-ийн бат бөх, найдвартай шинж чанарыг гайхалтай түлш хэмнэлтээрээ хангадаг. 4.8ℓ бензин хөдөлгүүр нь олон улсын бартаат замын мотоспортын хамгийн хүнд хэцүү тэмцээнүүдэд ч ашиглагддаг юм байна. Илүү их хүч, зүтгэх хүч шаарддаг хүмүүст энэ 4.8ℓ 24 хавхлагатай бензин хөдөлгүүр нь яг зохицно.
DOWNLOAD BROCHURE descriptionConquer the toughest terrains with the Nissan Patrol, a vehicle designed for uncompromising performance. Capable of navigating a 39° slope and traversing 700 mm deep waters effortlessly, the PATROL redefines rugged capability. Its steel-surrounded body ensures unparalleled durability, while the functional chassis adds to its robust build.
Moreover, the Nissan Patrol's advanced all-terrain four-wheel drive system amplifies its power, making it an unstoppable force on any surface.
Every surface facing the passenger is crafted from soft materials, enhancing the overall sense of luxury.
Indulge in comfort with electrically adjustable front seats, automatic front and rear air conditioning, a premium 6-CD audio system, automatic transmission, and an odometer that guarantee unparalleled comfort, even on the most rugged terrain.
Nissan's distinctive body design is crafted to absorb impact energy, minimizing the impact force experienced. Complemented by a reinforced cabin structure, this design significantly enhances passenger safety. Additionally, specialized door beams further mitigate side impact forces, providing an added layer of protection for occupants.